Let's Build Something Reference Page KK6FUT & N6QW [Updated 10/28/2015*] *Revised Booster Amp Schematic See Project Page Link Link to http://www.n6qw.com
NEW: NOTE ABOUT ARDUINO VERSIONS [The LBS Part II has compiled in V1.6.3] NEW: See K6HX's input on the use of Sain Smart 20X4 LCD Display with V1.6.3 LINK This requires the install of a new Liquid Crystal_I2C Library which is explained in the link. If you load any software in V1.6.3 you most likely will need the new Library for any displays to function. NEW: Part II is in distribution so check your mail boxes.
See New Projects on Projects Page The user page is now a separate page and the build detail is also a separate page. Listen to and see the SSB Receiver! Listen to KK6FUT's LBS SSB XCVR Final Receiver Tests 2/22/2015 The LBS with A Yaesu FT-101 SSB Filter Board Tour & On the Air with the LBS Si5351 Calibration Routine (N0TKN) Si5351 Calibration Instructions (N0TKN) Sources for Commercial Crystal Filters * INRAD 4 Pole 9.0 MHz SSB Filter Kit * GQRP Club Kit 9.0 MHz SSB Filter [NOTE: Must be a GQRP Member to Purchase] Additional Resources for the Winding of the DBM's [Also information on general construction practices provided courtesy of VE2TYQ] User Project Page (Moved 3/25)
LBS Detailed Build Information (Moved 3/25)
Wiring Schematic for the Nokia 5110 Display [Courtesy of Jack N0KSF]
LBS Frequently Asked Questions
The QRP Quarterly Article is in distribution and there already are some requests for additional information. The article will not be reprinted here but we will supply some info that was requested. But the Radio Gods have spoken and Part I is a free sample in digital form from QRPARCI LINK HERE Evidently the Sidebar drawing on how to cut the PC Board while mentioned was not included in the publication. (Click on the link.) Figure 1 shows the Band Pass Filter ahead of the RF amplifier yet a close examination of Figure 8 in the article shows the antenna connected into the RF Amplifier followed by the Band Pass Filter and then on to the Double Balanced Mixer. The preferred method is as shown in Figure 9 with the antenna into the Rx RF amplifier and then onto the Double balanced mixer. A revised Fig 1, is in the listing below.
Advanced Warning: For the final SSB build we will be suggesting the use of the Si5351 Clock Generator Board available from Adafruit Industires (and others) in lieu of the AD9850 DDS. The advantage of this approach opens up many possibilities including eliminating hardware BFO circuits and the separate USB/LSB crystals and a greater frequency range. The Si5351 can operate from 8 KHz to 160 MHz. We will include hardware designs and sketches for both approaches; but by far it is like the difference between driving a VW Beetle or a Maserati. Other Si5351 options (and inclusive sketches) will cover the use of the Nokia 5110 TFT 84X48 Black and White display or the 128 X 128 TFT Color Display. The cost of these displays are in many cases less than the cost of a 16X2 backlit LCD.